
Social Media Training in Pittsboro, NC

The Social Media Management Certificate Program that began in January at Central Carolina Community College is a challenging course geared to give participants real, practical, roll-up-your-sleeves and get-the-job-done knowledge, skills and experience. Martin Brossman & Associates’ program was developed through paid client work developing and managing social media programs for small businesses, and a mix of paid and pro-bono work on events, non-profits and communities. The certificate of completion is offered by Central Carolina Community College for the continuing education course, and participants who demonstrate competency in how to develop and manage a social media program, will get a certificate from Martin Brossman & Associates, showing that we will be recommending them to clients.

Not everybody wants to add social media management to their services, many people just want to know how to use it for their own creative endeavors, non-profits or micro-business initiatives. So Anora McGaha developed a shorter version, a non-certificate course.

9 Week Intro to Social Media Course Held in Pittsboro NC

A shorter course focused on doing social media marketing for yourself or your small business started in  April 2013, Tuesday nights at the Joyful Jewel on Hillsborough Street in downtown Pittsboro, North Carolina, taught by one of MB&A’s associates.

Future Introductory Social Media Programs in NC

Martin Brossman leads a variety of introductory (and many advanced) courses in social media for business. He has 3 hour versions, and 18 hour versions, and can develop any variation needed.

Subscribe to his newsletter, and follow his Facebook Page to find out when his next courses are.

Future Social Media Management Certificate Programs in NC

Future programs will be offered based on interest. When 15 people are interested in a location and have added their names to the list by email, a start date and location can be established.

If you would like us to teach the certificate program at your school, business, or association, or another course, please email info@martinbrossmanandassociates.com.
